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Tangram tile workshop

8 Apr 2025 -17 Apr 2025 10:30 am -1:00 pm

Manchester Museum, Oxford Road

Free, drop in

Tangram tile workshop

with Lydia Meiying

Create your own tangram picture in this free, family workshop led by artist Lydia Meiying.

It is believed there are over 6000 different shapes and pictures that can be created with a tangram puzzle.

Tangrams are believed to have originated in China over 200 years ago and are mathematical puzzles that use basic shapes to create larger, or more intricate shapes or objects. A tangram is made up of seven pieces called ‘tans’, which include five triangles, one square and one parallelogram.

This activity is drop-in and suitable for children aged five and over, together with their parents or carers. Younger siblings are welcome too.

We’re running workshops throughout the Easter school holidays, 10.30am-1pm on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 8 April
  • Wednesday 9 April
  • Thursday 10 April
  • Tuesday 15 April
  • Wednesday 16 April
  • Thursday 17 April