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Golden Mummies of Egypt Audio Guide

Greg Jenner

Dr Campbell Price

Golden Mummies of Egypt

with Greg Jenner and Dr Campbell Price

Join public historian and chart-topping podcaster Greg Jenner and Curator of Egyptology Dr Campbell Price for behind-the-scenes information on eight highlights of our special exhibition Golden Mummies of Egypt.

Greg and Campbell chat through the stories behind each item, when and where they are from, and how they might have been used.

Have you ever wondered…

Who was Queen Cleopatra? When was Alexander the Great? Why cover a dead body in gold? And how many things can you do with a massive pot?

Suitable for all ages, 7+

A new book co-authored by Greg and Campbell: Totally Chaotic History: Ancient Egypt Gets Unruly (Walker Books) is out in April!

Find out more about the exhibition

Audio guide

5. Meroitic pottery vessel


8. Mummified body of a man with panel painting


Listen to the complete audio guide


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